Performance Analysis

If you want to develop your analysis skills to deliver better lessons to your clients, this course is for you...

Our Online Performance Analysis course is designed to help you deliver better sessions for your clients.

During the course, our trainers will develop your understanding of Performance Analysis, giving you a systematic approach you can use to analyse performance during a lesson.

The course will run over two sessions with a break in between, which means it easily fits into evenings and gives you some time to reflect between sessions.

It counts as 1 BASI CPD credit to refresh your qualification and can also be used to top-up shadowing hours (course attendance counts for 10 hours). 

We'd particularly recommend this course if you're planning a teaching exam in the near future, it's perfect for preparation. 

Some of these courses are run on 1 day and some are spread across multiple days. Generally the mid-week courses run from 6-8pm on a Tuesday and a Thursday and the weekend courses run from 9.00-11.00 with a second session in the afternoon roughly 14.00-16.00. Click on the course to see the format and timings as they vary for each course.

To ensure smoothness of video quality during the course we recommend, but do not require, that you have at least a 25mbps download speed and 3mbps upload speed. You can test your internet speed here .

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Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 410/09/2024 - 12/09/20243 / 8£79.00OPA10092410/09/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Telemark16/09/2024 - 18/09/20240 / 8£79.00OPA090924T16/09/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 217/09/2024 - 19/09/20245 / 8£79.00OPA17092417/09/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Cross Country23/09/2024 - 25/09/20240 / 8£79.00OPA230924C23/09/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 228/09/2024 - 28/09/20241 / 8£79.00OPA28092428/09/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Snowboard05/10/2024 - 05/10/20240 / 8£79.00OPA051024S05/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 408/10/2024 - 10/10/20242 / 8£79.00OPA08102408/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Telemark14/10/2024 - 16/10/20240 / 8£79.00OPA141024T14/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 215/10/2024 - 17/10/20241 / 8£79.00OPA15102415/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Snowboard15/10/2024 - 17/10/20240 / 8£79.00OPA151024S15/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 419/10/2024 - 19/10/20240 / 8£79.00OPA19102419/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Cross Country28/10/2024 - 30/10/20240 / 8£79.00OPA201024C28/10/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Snowboard09/11/2024 - 09/11/20242 / 8£79.00OPA091124S09/11/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 403/12/2024 - 05/12/20240 / 8£79.00OPA03122403/12/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 210/12/2024 - 12/12/20240 / 8£79.00OPA10122410/12/2024 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 407/01/2025 - 09/01/20250 / 8£79.00OPA07012507/01/2025 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 214/01/2025 - 16/01/20250 / 8£79.00OPA14012514/01/2025 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 404/02/2025 - 06/02/20250 / 8£79.00OPA04022504/02/2025 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L3 & 411/02/2025 - 13/02/20250 / 8£79.00OPA11022511/02/2025 00:00:00
Online Performance Analysis Course - Ski L1 & 225/02/2025 - 27/02/20250 / 8£79.00OPA25022525/02/2025 00:00:00
  • The Level 3/4 CPD is to prepare Level 2 students for their Level 3 Teach exam or Level 3 students for their Level 4 Teach exam, or for Level 3 or 4 members needing a CPD. This course will focus on higher performance video clips, however both courses will have access to all the clips.  
  • The Level 1 & 2 courses are designed for level 1 students looking to study for their Level 2 exam, or for Level 1 and Level 2 members needing a CPD.

More courses and disciplines coming soon...