Adaptive Ski Level 2 Qualification

Modules required for Adaptive Ski Level 2 Qualification for students with Adaptive Ski Level 1 Qualification:

Modules required for Adaptive Ski Level 2 Qualification for students with Ski Level 2 Qualification:

Optional modules

Adaptive Ski Level 2 Course

Course Price: £729

This is a 10 day on-mountain training and assessment course in which Technical and Teaching skills are developed and assessed.

The BASI Adaptive Ski Level 2 Instructor course comprises of 6 modules. The minimum entry criteria for the course are the successful completion of one of the following qualifications:

  • BASI Adaptive Ski Level 1 qualification
  • BASI Ski Level 2 Instructor qualification or above
  • Another country National Ski Instructor qualification which is equivalent to the BASI Ski Level 2 qualification (on approval by BASI)

The outcome of the course may be:

  • Pass in all 6 disciplines
  • Attend a re-assessment
  • Re-sit the full course

In the event of a pass in all 6 disciplines you will hold a BASI Adaptive Ski Level 2 qualification*.

By the end of the course you will be better equipped to “Make a difference for Disabled Skiers”. The course will help you, the Instructor, to recognise the skills needed to deliver a safe, successful and enjoyable learning experience. This course will equip you with the fundamental skills required to teach skiers with disabilities.

* *FOR COURSES RUNNING AFTER 01.01.2024* members will be required to attend the 'Additional Needs in Snowsports' online + on-snow courses to be awarded their L2 Adaptive Ski Qualification. These courses can be done pre- or post- Level 2 course. BASI will subsidise 50% of the course fee for the members this affects. Please contact the office to book.

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35 hrs Snowsport School Experience

35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 1 Instructor Qualification. These hours ideally should be shadowing or teaching experience in a UK Snowsports centre after completing the Level 1 instuctor course. A maximum of 15 of these hours can be completed at slopes using Maxxtracks technology, such as Skiplex or Chel-ski**.

An additional 35 hours Snowsports School Experience is required for Level 2 Qualification. These hours are additional to the 35 hours completed as part of the Level 1 Qualification. The additional hours should ideally be completed after the Level 1 Qualification has been awarded and before attending the Level 2 instructor course (70 hours can be submitted to the BASI Team after completion of the Level 1 instructor course).

Students should provide a breakdown in writing of what they have covered during their Snowsport School experience, this should be on headed Snowsport School paper and be signed by the Snowsport School supervisor. 

For a BASI Log Sheet Click Here

** Due to the nature of these slopes the instructor should always be mindful of how their lesson could be given on a dry slope or indoor snow slope where there are more slope users and a change of terrain (angle and underfoot conditions). Clients should be given instruction in accordance with the FIS code, particularly with regards to safety.

Adaptive Level 2 Ski Re-assessment

Course Price: £229
Re-Assessments must be taken within 2 years of the date of the course failed, otherwise the candidate will be required to pay for and attend the whole course again.

If a candidate fails up to a combined total of 4 teaching and/or technical elements of the L2 Adaptive Ski course they are eligible for reassessment.

If a candidate fails more than a combined total of 4 teaching and/or technical elements of the L2 Adaptive Ski course they are not eligible for re-assessment and must attend the full 10 day L2 Adaptive Ski course again..

If a candidate fails the 2 day Re-assessment course twice, they must complete the whole 10 day Level 2 Adaptive Ski course again.

View BASI's re-assessment policy here , or check your eligibility for adaptive re-assessment here .

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